Alle 14 Tage am Mittwoch - Projekt "Meine Zukunft gestalte ich selbst" in Dransdorf

Bildquelle: Pixabay
Offene Workshops alle 14 Tage am Mittwoch von 16 – 18 Uhr
Wo: Stadtteilverein Dransdorf, Lenaustraße 14 (Café)
Wer: Für alle Kinder zwischen 6 und 12 Jahren
Was: Natur, Umwelt, Experimente, Kochen, Basteln, Nachhaltigkeit und natürlich Spaß haben, chillen und spielen
Einfach vorbeikommen, kostenlos
In English:
January 15th: Making paper and creating beautiful things
January 29th: Ready-made cake mixes - make them yourself or buy?
February 12th: Plastic in my food? No!
February 26th: Experience trees with all senses.
March 12th: Creating a home for wild insects
March 26th: We are building a small bed (for flowers oder veggies)
April 9th: Which bird is singing there?