Kultur verbindet e.V....

is a non-profit association that is committed to

 - supporting children with a history of immigration.

- supporting children aged 6 to 12 years.

- supporting the children's families.

We want children to

- feel at home in Bonn.

- be proud of their origins.

- get to know many different cultures.

Our association

- offers reading and cultural mentorships (we bring together children and adult voluteers ("reading buddies") who read and take part in cultural activities together).

- offers reading projects for children.

- offers excursions, workshops and other activities for children.

Get to know us. We look forward to seeing you!


  Join us on Facebook


This month's newsletter (April 2024): German | English 
(Attachments: Naturwerkstatt Wald: German / English / Arabic,  Müllmonster: Allemand / EnglishAb ins Grüne, Leselöwen, Tipp von Stiftung Lesen)

You can find our newsletter archive here.

Upcoming Events

04.05.2024: Naturwerkstatt Wald

04.05.2024: Naturwerkstatt Wald Im Frühling ist viel los im Wald. Die Vögel bauen ihre Nester,…

06.05.2024: Mitgliederversammlung in Bad Godesberg

06.05.2024: Mitgliederversammlung in Bad Godesberg Am 06. Mai 2024 wird die Mitgliederversammlung für das Geschäftsjahr…

15.06.2024: Liebenswerte Müllmonster

15.06.2024: Liebenswerte Müllmonster Täglich werfen wir viele Verpackungen weg. Milchkartons, Chipstüten, Obstnetze, Plastikschalen, Konservendosen… In…